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Other special zones


While the information below is still valid, we recommend you to use the new inline map editor to define silent areas or attach sounds to an area. The inline map editor is easier to use and can be accessed directly from WorkAdventure.

Making a "silent" zone

On your map, you can define special silent zones where nobody is allowed to talk. In these zones, users will not speak to each others, even if they are next to each others.

In order to create a silent zone:

  • You must create a specific object.
  • Object class must be "area"
  • In object properties, you MUST add a boolean "silent" property. If the silent property is checked, the users are entering the silent zone when they walk on the area.

As an alternative, you may also put the silent property on a layer (rather than putting them on an "area" object) but we advise to stick with "area" objects for better performance!

Playing sounds or background music

Your map can define special zones where a sound or background music will automatically be played.

In order to create a zone that triggers sounds/music:

  • You must create a specific object.
  • Object class must be "area"
  • In object properties, you MUST add a "playAudio" property. The value of the property is a URL to an MP3 file that will be played. The URL can be relative to the URL of the map.
  • You may use the boolean property "audioLoop" to make the sound loop (thanks captain obvious).
  • If the "audioVolume" property is set, the audio player uses either the value of the property or the last volume set by the user - whichever is smaller. This property is a float from 0 to 1.0

The audio file must be served with CORS headers. If it does not work, you may need to host the audio file on the same server as the map.

If you are using the map starter kit, you can put the audio file in the public folder of the starter kit and reference it with a relative URL. For instance, if your audio file is named background.mp3, put it in public/background.mp3 and reference it in your map with ./background.mp3.

Deprecation notice

"playAudioLoop" is deprecated and should not be used anymore.


As an alternative, you may also put the playAudio properties on a layer (rather than putting them on an "area" object) but we advise to stick with "area" objects for better performance!