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Placing Objects and Furniture

Are you moving into your new virtual office? Or are you organizing a conference? In any case, you will need to place objects and furniture in your map.

The entity editor

Use the entity editor to drag'n'drop objects from the right panel into the map.

Some objects can be rotated (top, left, bottom, right). Some objects can have different colors.

When you click on an object, you can attach a number of actions in the right panel.

Objects name

Objects can have a name. The name of the object is displayed in a pop-up when users click on the object.

Attaching actions to objects

When you add an action to an object, the object becomes "clickable" by users. When a user clicks on the object, a pop-up is displayed with the list of possible actions.

Possible actions are:

  • Opening a link: Opens a webpage, either inside WorkAdventure or in a new tab of the browser.
  • Opening a videoconference: Opens a Jitsi video conference inside WorkAdventure. You could for instance attach a videoconference to a phone or a phonebooth inside your map that would connect you to a Jitsi room in another part of the map.
  • Play an audio file: Plays an audio file. Useful for Jukeboxes!

Snapping objects to the grid

When placing objects on the map, you can place most objects in a "pixel perfect" way. If you hold the SHIFT key, objects will be "snapped" to the grid.

WorkAdventure will force any "colliding" objects to be snapped to the grid. This means that if an object cannot be traversed (like a table), WorkAdventure will make it snap to the grid. This is a limitation of the physics engine used internally by WorkAdventure.

Deleting an object

You can delete an object by selecting it and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. Alternatively, if you have many objects to delete, you can select the "delete tool" (the bin icon) in the toolbar and click on the objects you want to delete.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I import my own objects?

As of now, it is not possible to import your own objects in the inline map editor using a graphical interface. This will come in future releases, as we extend the capabilities of the inline map editor.

However, if you are a die-hard fan and are not afraid of doing some technical work, you can define your own object collections by writing a JSON file and then manually modifying the map file (with the .wam extension) to add a reference to your JSON object collection.

You can read more about the entity collection format in the documentation.

I cannot move or select an object on the map

If you cannot move or select an object on the map, it is probably because the object is part of the Tiled map (the .tmj file). In order to move or select an object, it must be created from the inline map editor.

If the object is a sprite part of the Tiled map, you won't be able to move it. You will have to delete it from the Tiled map and recreate it in the inline map editor.