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Tiled Layers


To use these functions, you need to import the "Scripting API Extra" library.

Return a Map of all layers

Layers can be nested in group layers.

The getLayersMap() function returns a map of all layers in a uni-dimensional map.

Layers are renamed: if they are in a group layer, the name of the group layer is prepended with a "/" as a separator.

Layers are indexed by name.

import {getLayersMap} from '@workadventure/scripting-api-extra';

const layers = await getLayersMap();

// Access a layer directly by name
const mylayer = layers.get('my_layer');

// Iterate over all layers
for (const layer of layers.values()) {
// ...

Get boundaries of a layer

findLayerBoundaries returns the boundaries of a given layer as an object with properties: { top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number }

Numbers are expressed in "tiles", not pixels.

findLayerBoundaries(layer: ITiledMapTileLayer): {
top: number;
left: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;


import {getLayersMap, findLayerBoundaries} from '@workadventure/scripting-api-extra';
import {ITiledMapTileLayer} from "@workadventure/tiled-map-type-guard/dist/ITiledMapTileLayer";

const layers = await getLayersMap();

const layer = layers.get("my_layer") as ITiledMapTileLayer;

const boundaries = findLayerBoundaries(layer);
console.log('Top:' ,;
console.log('Left:' , boundaries.left);
console.log('Bottom:' , boundaries.bottom);
console.log('Right:' , boundaries.right);

Get boundaries of several layers

If you are looking for the boundaries of several layers at once, you can use the findLayersBoundaries variant.

findLayersBoundaries(layers: ITiledMapTileLayer[]): {
top: number;
left: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;

It will return a square containing all the tiles of all the layers passed in parameters.