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Tiled Properties


To use these functions, you need to import the "Scripting API Extra" library.

In your Tiled map, a number of items can have "properties" (the map itself, layers, tiles, tilesets, objects...).

The JSON map can be fetched using But when it comes to analyzing the JSON map, you are on your own.

The Scripting API Extra package comes with a useful Properties class to analyze these properties.


const map = await;

const mapProperties = new Properties(;

// getOne fetches the value of the property passed in parameter.
const name = mapProperties.get('name') as string;

// getString is the same as get except it ensures the value is a string (and throws an exception if it is not)
const name = mapProperties.getString('name');

Methods available:

class Properties {
get(name: string): string | boolean | number | undefined; // returns the property
getString(name: string): string | undefined; // returns the property (and checks it is a string)
getNumber(name: string): number | undefined; // returns the property (and checks it is a number)
getBoolean(name: string): boolean | undefined; // returns the property (and checks it is a boolean)
mustGetString(name: string): string; // returns the property as a string (throws an Error if not found)
mustGetNumber(name: string): string; // returns the property as a number (throws an Error if not found)
mustGetBoolean(name: string): string; // returns the property as a boolean (throws an Error if not found)
getType(name: string): string | undefined; // returns the type of property (as defined in the map)