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Saving / loading state

The WA.state functions allow you to easily share a common state between all the players in a given room. Moreover, WA.state functions can be used to persist this state across reloads.

WA.state.saveVariable(key : string, data : unknown): void
WA.state.loadVariable(key : string) : unknown
WA.state.hasVariable(key : string) : boolean
WA.state.onVariableChange(key : string).subscribe((data: unknown) => {}) : Subscription
WA.state.[any property]: unknown

These methods and properties can be used to save, load and track changes in variables related to the current room.

Variables stored in WA.state can be any value that is serializable in JSON.

Please refrain from storing large amounts of data in a room. Those functions are typically useful for saving or restoring configuration / metadata.


We are in the process of fine-tuning variables, and we will eventually put limits on the maximum size a variable can hold. We will also put limits on the number of calls you can make to saving variables, so don't change the value of a variable every 10ms, this will fail in the future.

Example :

WA.state.saveVariable('config', {
'bottomExitUrl': '/@/org/world/castle',
'topExitUrl': '/@/org/world/tower',
'enableBirdSound': true
}).catch(e => console.error('Something went wrong while saving variable', e));
let config = WA.state.loadVariable('config');

You can use the shortcut properties to load and save variables. The code above is similar to:

WA.state.config = {
'bottomExitUrl': '/@/org/world/castle',
'topExitUrl': '/@/org/world/tower',
'enableBirdSound': true

let config = WA.state.config;

Note: saveVariable returns a promise that will fail in case the variable cannot be saved. This can happen if your user does not have the required rights (more on that in the next chapter). In contrast, if you use the WA.state properties, you cannot access the promise and therefore cannot know for sure if your variable was properly saved.

If you are using Typescript, please note that the type of variables is unknown. This is for security purpose, as we don't know the type of the variable. In order to use the returned value, you will need to cast it to the correct type (or better, use a Type guard to actually check at runtime that you get the expected type).


For security reasons, the list of variables you are allowed to access and modify is restricted (otherwise, anyone on your map could set any data). Variables storage is subject to an authorization process. Read below to learn more.

Defining a variable

Out of the box, you cannot edit any variable. Variables MUST be declared in the map.

Check the dedicated variables page to learn how to declare a variable in a map.

Tracking variables changes

The properties of the WA.state object are shared in real-time between users of a same room. You can listen to modifications of any property of WA.state by using the WA.state.onVariableChange() method.

WA.state.onVariableChange(name: string): Observable<unknown>


WA.state.onVariableChange('config').subscribe((value) => {
console.log('Variable "config" changed. New value: ', value);

The WA.state.onVariableChange method returns an RxJS Observable object. This is an object on which you can add subscriptions using the subscribe method.

Stopping tracking variables

If you want to stop tracking a variable change, the subscribe method returns a subscription object with an unsubscribe method.

Example with unsubscription:

const subscription = WA.state.onVariableChange('config').subscribe((value) => {
console.log('Variable "config" changed. New value: ', value);
// Later:

Typing variables

If you are using Typescript, by default, the type of variables is unknown. This is for security purpose, as we don't know the type of the variable.

Internally, we define an interface named RoomState that contains the type of all room variables.

The default declaration of RoomState is:

interface RoomState {
[key: string]: unknown;

However, Typescript allows third party module to merge their own types with existing ones. This means that you can define your own RoomState interface in your code, and it will be merged with the default one. You will need to use this syntax in your code:

declare module "@workadventure/iframe-api-typings" {
interface RoomState {
someVariable: string,
anotherVariable: number,

This will allow you to access WA.state.someVariable and WA.state.anotherVariable with the correct types.


Merging your own declaration of RoomState will give you type checking at compile time and autocompletion in your IDE. However, as it is customary with Typescript, it will not do any actual type checking at runtime. Do not forget that room variables can be set by anyone with proper rights. This means that even if Typescript tells you that WA.state.someVariable is a string, it could be a number at runtime. The only way to be sure of the type of a variable is to check it at runtime using type guards or a type checking library like Zod.